Up to 10% OFF most items for students and schools!

Introducing our Educational Discount

We know that school budgets are tight. We’d want to help you afford the equipment and supplies you need for your education. Simply contact us and we'll get you set up for free! Once enrolled, you'll receive an automatic discount on most items store-wide.

Who is the educational discount for?

Students, teachers, schools and universities are all eligible. We've automatically given the discount to our customers with .EDU email addresses. If you're involved in education but we missed giving you the discount, or you don't have a .EDU email address, call us at 800-521-4640 or email sales@bio-medical.com to get set up today!

Buy and save for your institution!

Using the Educational Discount is automatic and easy! Once you're enrolled, just sign-in to your account and you'll see special Educational Discount prices on most equipment, supplies, software, and more at bio-medical.com.

Contact us and get started today!

Call 800-521-4640

Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST

- OR -

Send us an Email

Send us an email with your information: Your name, Email address, Phone number, and School.